Covenants – Vespera



a. Not to breach any conditions set by the Planning and Development Department.

b. To use the Lot only as a private residence.

c. To maintain the trees planted on the Lot and replace any trees that are destroyed. 

d. To prevent wastewater, sewage water, effluent water or water used for domestic purposes from flowing on to the road or on other lots.

e. Not cause or allow anything to become a nuisance to other homeowners.  For example, playing audio or visual equipment.

f. Not to carry on any noxious or offensive activity on the Lot or do anything either wilfully or negligently, which may be an annoyance or nuisance to the owners or occupiers of other lots.

g. Not to display advertising signs or notices on the Lot.

h. Not to erect a fence more than six (6) feet in height or any lesser height permitted by the Director of Planning.

i. Not to erect a fence made of corrugated or flat metal sheeting.

j. Not to obstruct or constrict the flow of water in or to the drain reserves and wells.

k. Not to allow garden refuse or any other refuse, debris or materials to enter any drain reserve or well.

l. Not to allow any object or objects which would render the premises unsightly or untidy to be left on the Lot.

m. Not to park or abandon any commercial, broken down, not roadworthy, derelict or disabled vehicle(s) or boat(s) or other wreckage on the Lot or any other part of the Development.

n. Not to permit or allow any cement or concrete mixing to be done on any of the roads in the Development.

o. Not to erect on the Lot any building other than a one-storey single freehold dwelling house.

p. Not to erect any dwelling house measuring less than eight hundred and two (802) square feet of interior space or covering not less than twenty (20) percent of the total square footage of the Lot, exclusive of carport and patio spaces, whichever is greater.

q. Not to construct a dwellinghouse other than of reinforced concrete blocks.

r. Not to construct a detached garage or carport on the Lot without the express approval of the architectural plans of the proposed structure by the Property Owners’ Association and the Director of Planning.

s. Not to paint the exterior of any dwelling house in any colour or finish other than natural trowel plaster.

t. Not to place any antennas, aerials, masts, satellite dishes or other apparatus for the receipt of transmission of television, radio, or other signals of any kind on the exterior of the dwelling house without the prior approval of the Property Owners’ Association.

u. Not to operate any radio station or short-wave operations of any kind without the prior written approval of the Property Owners’ Association.

v. Not to obstruct any verge (i.e., edge/border) forming part of the Lot or any lot in the Development in any manner including by the erection of walls or fences or the planting of shrubs or trees thereon.

w. Not to allow the area of any verge, i.e., edge/border, (included in the Lot) to deteriorate or fall into a state of disrepair.

x. Not to do any repairs or maintenance to any vehicle whatsoever on the Lot or anywhere in the Development.

y. Not to store any hazardous dangerous or harmful substance including but not limited to gasoline and other petroleum products (except in domestic quantities) on the Lot.

z. Not to keep or accumulate any rubbish, trash, garbage, or other waste material on the Lot.

aa. Not to prevent any public utility company from maintaining its services or equipment.

bb. Not to keep any animals or reptiles other than a limit of no more than two (2) household pets on the Lot.

cc. Not to use or permit the Lot to be used for the purpose of a dairy or for keeping cattle horses, pigs, sheep, goats, or poultry.

dd. Not to hang clothes or run clotheslines or place clothes poles to the front of the Lot or store any items other than patio furniture and accessories in any patio area.

ee. Not to burn wood, leaves, trash, garbage, household or other refuse on the Lot.

ff. Not to breach the rules and regulations of the Property Owners’ Association.

gg. Not to enter into any contract for the sale of the Lot unless it includes a condition precedent that the intended purchaser shall enter into a Deed of Covenant with the Property Owners’ Association and bear the costs of such transfer.

In relation to the PVS on the roof of the Dwellinghouse: –

a. Not to obstruct access of the sun’s rays to the photovoltaic system on the rooftop of the Lot or on any adjacent or neighbouring rooftop.

b. Not to interfere with the rights granted under the Rooftop Solar Lease Agreement.

c. Not to do anything that would hinder the efficiency of the electrical output of the photovoltaic system on the rooftop of the Lot or on any adjacent or neighbouring rooftop.

d. Not to grow or place any vegetation, structures, and other objects that could impair/restrict the passage/flow of sunlight to and through the solar collection panels of the PVS on the Lot or on the dwellinghouses of adjacent or neighbouring lots.

e. Not to prevent HOPE or the Barbados Light & Power Company Ltd from always having free access to the PVS.

*The above represents a synopsis of the restrictions that every homeowner at Vespera Gardens must know.  The full text will be found in the homeowner’s Agreement for Sale.